Rated PG
Calvin Sparks and the Crossing to Cambria, by new author Rusty Anderson, is the first in a series of fantasy adventure books.
Obviously, Calvin Sparks is the luckiest kid in the world. Not only does he come from a lineage full of magical powers - powers that he has inherited - but he also has access to Cambria, a world hidden from most people, a secret land full of magical creatures, incredible powers, and loyal dragons.
As Calvin and his two best friends spend more and more time in Cambria, Calvin begins to realize that he has a crucial role to play in the intense battle of good vs. evil that is going on in the land, a battle that was fought before him by the father he never knew.
Calvin Sparks is whistle clean, the PG rating is for some mild violence. As I read the book, I kept thinking that, because it is so clean, it's a great candidate for a read-aloud with your kids. Tweens and young teens will also appreciate it.