Friday, January 2, 2015


  By Amanda Cale
Rated: PG

Matt and Anya are best friends. Juniors in high school, they live next door to each other and share a common love for exploring spooky places. After hearing a scream in the woods late at night, they decide to investigate. They found more than they hoped for when they uncovered a copper plate with strange engravings and, even better, a spooky deserted house to explore. Their explorations uncover clues about one of Anya's ancestors and reveal a mystery that is too tempting to resist. And what about that cellar - where does that staircase lead? Matt and Anya quickly find themselves in over their heads as their adventure truly gets underway.

This is a fantasy adventure book intended for teens and is the first in what the author clearly intends to be a series with more books coming (how many, I don't know but at least one because several leads are left dangling at the end of the book.) It is extremely clean, which we always appreciate here! No curse words, no inappropriate romance scenes, etc. There is some violence, which is why it is rated PG but nothing overly horrific or gory.