Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle

By Betty MacDonald

Rated G

Grades 3-7

I have loved Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle since I was a child, and I highly recommend this series of books as summer reading for your little ones (up to age 11).

Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle is a zany lady who has magical cures for everything that ails the children in her neighborhood. And I'm not talking measles! Her cures are for things like talking back, being a picky eater, not taking your bath, etc. Just wait until you see how she "cures" these ailments!

There are several books in this series. Read them all! This is one that your kids will love and you'll love reading with them.

clean books, clean book reviews, clean books for teens, clean children's books, clean fiction, clean reads